Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Video Update :)

Just thought I would try and update with a video. Take care. :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I’ve Decided

I’ve decided that I will only post my weight loss accomplishments every 25 pounds, because it just becomes too much about the scale and I know that this journey is not just about what the scale says. For instance this week I did not have a loss and I felt so bad about it, because I worked really, really hard to earn a loss. But what I had forgotten was how proud I was of myself for exercising five days this week and consuming 80 oz of water four days this week, and how much better I am beginning to feel in my body.  Along with the weight loss I must not lose sight on all of the wonderful changes that are taking place in my body. Have a wonderful weekend.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just A Thought

I was thinking that when you are my size or live a very stationary lifestyle, or you may have medical conditions that limit your mobility you do not have to run out and purchase a gym membership or buy expensive home gym equipment….Just get moving. When you are in bed and do legs lifts or sit in a chair and move your arms and legs. As far as I am concern any movement is better than none at all.  And please, please do not compare yourself to anyone else. We are all different.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Mission Continues

Good morning all, today I am off to a great start. Assembled with the 5am Phone Prayerline Group; finished my first 40 ounce jug of water and took my hypertension medication and multi vitamins for the day. Am I off to a great start or what? LOL! I am on my way to the gym then I’m going to vote. I think I am going to do a self challenge for the month of November I’ll post details later. Have a great day!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mission Accomplished!!

Today was an excellent day. I went to the gym and got my workout on. Woohoo!  You may ask, “Did you do 50 minutes on the treadmill?” No, 5 minutes & 16 seconds. “Did you do an hour on the other equipment?”  Nope, 5 minutes each one and I could not be happier!!  My goal is to “Get moving!” And I plan on building on that. Have a good evening.